I was hoping you can assist GRO with getting contributors to the below survey, the results of which we will be able to share with the readership in the future. Any way you can promote this through your website and e-news would be much appreciated.
GRO board member Dusty Gedge recently help found Gentian Limited, a company looking to run a short survey as part of a project conducted with the European Space Agency. The purpose of the study is to fund services that can be used to support green buildings, whether through construction or renovation. The services that Gentian are offering will help to examine the provision of remote measurement of the biodiversity contribution of individual building projects, identify suitable buildings for the retrofitting of green roofs and Blue Roofs (stormwater risk mitigation) by analysing the makeup of building clusters to estimate runoff. We believe the survey will take at most 15 minutes to complete. Responses are anonymous. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeVtJeWyQ5sn-Ygf8DpxejwOEGP6qZl-VEjg9gmEWBoNPyuYQ/viewform